October 29, 2020

Ovulation Test Strips – Find Out How To Conceive Easier


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Are you trying to get pregnant?

Here we will explain everything you need to know about ovulation tests, how to use them, and when to take them

Knowing when exactly you are in your most fertile state in your menstruation cycle can be tricky. 

And not understanding when you are, can lead to taking months, even years to get pregnant. 

Ovulation tests come in handy when you and your partner are trying to conceive a child.

They are designed to tell you when during your menstrual cycle you are at your most fertile state, otherwise stating when it’s the perfect time to have sex and boosting your chances of getting pregnant.

What are ovulation test strips and how they work?

An ovulation test is an at-home test that women use to determine if and when their bodies are going through ovulation, to determine when they can conceive. 

Toni Weschler, the author of Taking Charge of Your Fertility, describes ovulation tests as a test that detects the “impending release of an egg, usually by testing urine for the presence of LH (luteinizing hormone). [1]

Although there are other ways to check your fertility such as charting, ovulation tests are made to detect the high levels of LH in your urine. 

They are easy to use, so you can identify your most fertile state in the comfort of your own home while increasing your chances of getting pregnant.

When to take an ovulation test?

So when exactly during your cycle can you start testing?

The first thing you want to know is the length of your menstrual cycle. 

A normal cycle length is anywhere between 21 to 35 days according to a post on MayoClinic. [2]

Day one starts on the first day of your period and ends on the day before your next period begins. 

Once you know the length of your menstrual cycle you can determine when your body will begin ovulation.

Ovulation typically occurs around day 10-16 of your menstrual cycle.

For example, if your cycle is an average of 28 days you will most likely ovulate on day 14.

If you have irregular periods, Babylist.com suggests,  figuring out the average length from the past three months, and use that number. [3]

A post on reproductivefacts.org states that the peak in the luteinizing hormone is detected in your urine about 24-48 hours before ovulation takes place. The amount of time and the level of LH in the urine will vary from woman to woman. [4]

This means you should start testing for ovulation a few days before your ovulation is expected to occur.

Keep in mind that a peak in LH can be short for some women and only last a few hours. A post on flo.health suggests taking two tests per day at the same time each day to avoid missing your peak. [5]

If you would like more help determining when is the right time to take an ovulation test, check out Clearblue’s ovulation calculator tool.

Ovulation Test Strips- Find Out How To Conceive Easier

How to use ovulation test strips

Most ovulation tests are pretty easy to use. 

Generally, the test will require you to pee on a test strip or have you pee in a cup so you can dip the strip in your urine. 

If your ovulation test comes with a monitor, once you have dipped your strip into the urine you will have to refer back to your monitor to read your results.

If your ovulation tests do not come with a monitor you will be looking for colored lines on the strip or depending on the test, smiley faces. 

According to the American Pregnancy Association, most ovulation tests can be used at any time of the day. They suggest taking ovulation tests at the same time each day and to reduce liquid intake for 4 hours before testing for the best results. [6]

Always read the instructions that are included with your test so you can get the best and most accurate results.

You tested positive for ovulation, now when can you take a pregnancy test?

After testing positive for ovulation and you and your partner have made some baby-making love you might be eager to take a pregnancy test right away, but unfortunately, you will have to wait a few days.

If you got pregnant during your cycle, an egg is fertilized in your fallopian tubes and will travel into your uterus, where it will make itself at home for the next 9 months in your uterine wall. [7]

According to the UT Southwestern Medical Center,  your body will then start producing hCG from the placenta - a tissue that supports your growing fetus. [8]

This means that about 8 days after you ovulated, a test could detect levels of hCG, meaning you could test positive a few days before your expected period. 

But knowing exactly how many days to test before your expected period can be tricky, for the time it takes a fertilized egg to implant in your uterus can vary from woman to woman. 

This is why for the best results, it is recommended by the American Pregnancy Association to wait until the morning of your expected period, or after you have missed your period, so you don’t get a false negative test. [9]

Be sure to take the test in the morning using your first urine of the day for it is concentrated and will give a more accurate result.

If you would like more help determining when is the right time for you to take a pregnancy test, check out Clearblue’s pregnancy test calculator tool.

Now that you understand how to use ovulation tests, have a look at our Top 6 Picks For The Best Ovulation Tests.

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